Monday, June 29, 2009


In recent months, Marg has been taking a new approach to her painting. These three paintings may give a clue to what is happening. They all come under the general theme of words from Psalm 8
'When I consider the heavens ...'
The third one shows some characters having coffee at Victoria Market. The words written beside them are
'What is man that Thou art mindful of him?"

The second painting was completed at the time of the Black Saturday fires and it is titled 'Two Victorian Dawn Landscapes ... Feb 09 '

The first painting is called 'Birdsong in the Heavens'

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Mac has produced a book of poems entitled SOME OF MY FRIENDS ARE POETS. It is a collection of 52 poems written by friends and it is now available for $15 from Mac.
He has printed it at home and simply used Office Works to do the final wire binding.
The net proceeds will go to Church ofAll Nations Community Support Programme which is funding some exciting employment projects for our African neighbours on the Carlton housing estate.
Publishing the book is a way of making available to a wider group of people the fine poems by friends that he has collected over the last 20 years.
The front and back covers show two of Margaret's paintings.