Thursday, November 26, 2009


Margaret has recently completed these paintings.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Here is another of Margaret's paintings, painted during a time when we were staying in a cabin on the edge of the lake at Chiltern. Marg spent the early years of her life at Chiltern where her father was in his first settlement as a Presbyterian minister.

The building in the distance is Lake View,the home of renowned Autralian novelist Henry Handel Richardson, author of, amomg other things, THE FORTUNES OF RICHARD MAHONY and THE GETTING OF WISDOM.


On the way home from a conference on Secularism, in November 2009, I found myself thinking about an experience over 20 years ago and about this piece I then wrote for a Christian teachers magazine, NEXUS.

I had a good reason for using a nom de plume then.


I’m puzzled!

An older friend of mine, a fine Christian as well as a highly respected educationalist, made a comment which I would once have supported enthusiastically, but which now leaves me cold.

"Wouldn't it be great," he exclaimed, "if we had groups of fifteen or twenty teachers in schools, Christian teachers, meeting every fortnight at lunch time for prayer and fellowship!"

I didn't find that idea at all attractive; indeed I was surprised at the negative response I made. On reflection, my feelings are unchanged.

So why do I feel so uneasy about that genuine vision of people whom I admire and whose faith is so strong? Is there something wrong with my faith? Have I lost my love for God and my desire to see people become disciples of Jesus? Maybe that's the problem, but at the risk of being accused of rationalising, I want to explore some other possibilities.

As a Christian working in a government school, I look for ways of building bridges with colleagues, ways of affirming what we have in common, and the thought of meeting in school time on school property for some sectional interest, however worthy, seems to me a way of dividing rather than a way of drawing together. I would not be impressed by a group of Communists, or Moslems, or bird watchers, or radical educationists who drew apart at school to build one another up.

As a Christian working in a government school, I feel that my Christian influence is felt most as I go about the multitude of tasks I have, organizing extra classes, co-ordinating Mathematics, attending Curriculum meetings, teaching 20 periods in the classroom each week, doing yard duty, sipping morning coffee, encouraging the music staff, helping out at the staff-student games.

I'm happy to be known as a Christian and as I've grown older I've become less anxious about what people think about that. There are other Christian people on the staff but I don't know how many because I've never asked people. I suppose I have a special bond with some of those on the staff with whom I have a common faith, and from time to time we may talk about faith, but I'd hate to try to formalise that link in school time.

When I was younger, I used to worry about being a good witness My willingness to try to be a witness was great, but I fear I was far too conscious of my responsibility, far too preoccupied with witnessing. Paradoxically, as I have ceased to worry about witnessing, I think I've had more natural conversations about faith than when I was trying so hard.

On many issues we have common cause with those caring agnostics and atheists and people of other faiths. I want to see these issues as ways of affirming that God is at work, bringing in the Kingdom. I'm enjoying finding points of agreement with others, because I know that God is in there with us, and before us, bringing truth and light.

So, let's plunge in to the task at hand in our schools, looking for signs of the Kingdom springing forth, sharing ourselves with all our colleagues, learning to be real, learning to listen and to respect our colleagues' views, as well as to speak and share our own faith.

By all means, let's meet as Christian teachers, but let's do it after school hours, away from the school. Let's keep our schools as places where we actively seek to be reconcilers, to be affirming what we have in common with others, rather than what makes us different.

P.S . Although I am not an official member of A.T.C.F.(Vic.), I have a close friend who provides me with NEXUS and who shares his educational and Christian pilgrimage with me! We are, as it were, kindred spirits!

James Ledingham

[from NEXUS , 1987]

Sunday, November 15, 2009


You may have been to Artastic Gallery for an art exhibition in recent years. It can be found on the western side of Nicholson Street, North Carlton, between Pigdon and Park Streets. It is No. 781 Nicholson Street.

Kate Carns is the Gallery owner and she has a fine reputation as a picture framer; a growing number of Victorian Artists Society artists have their work framed by Kate.

Artastic now has four artists whose work is always on show there, and every three or four months new displays are hung. The artists represented are Ted Dansey, Annie Finkelde, Nell Frysteen and Margaret Nicoll.

Margaret's latest display includes some large watercolours of people as well as eight smaller watercolours of fruit and vegetables, first painted on Marg's regular painting mornings at the Queen Victoria Market. These will remain on show until next February.

Artastic Gallery is open on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays from 10.00 until 5.00 and on Saturday mornings.


Over the last five years, we have sold several thousand cards of Margaret's paintings. There are cards of flowers, people, streetscapes, seascapes, landscapes, still life.

The price has remained unchanged, still $2.50 a card or $2.00 a card if you buy five or more.

We can be contacted on 9388 1435


This is the sixth in the series and it is now adorning the easel in our living room. It is titled BRIGHT MORNING CLOUD.

Friday, November 06, 2009


The poetry book, SOME OF MY FRIENDS ARE POETS has now been distributed to over 200 people both in Victoria and interstate. Copies are still available for $15, and the net proceeds are going to the Church of All Nations Community Support Programme, which has already received $ 460 from the project.

You can obtain a copy by ringing Mac Nicoll on 9388 1435 or by email on