Saturday, July 31, 2010


From the fifth floor window of 5 North at the Royal Women's Hospital in Parkville, here are some views that Margaret captured in her tiny sketch book.


I have been thinking about prayer and helplessness.
Here are two quotations from writers who have helped me over the years.
I met the writings of O.Hallesby when I was at University in 1955.Forty years later I encountered the poems of Uniting Church minister,Ross Kingham.


Not knowing much about God
helps praying.

With the head God-words full
one is fooled
into thinking one is sated,
while the heart is shrivelled,

You need not know too much
of God
or think to have such knowledge,
to pray.

Ross Kingham in Images of the Soul, unpublished, 1992

As far as I can see,prayer has been ordained only for the helpless.....
I know very well that we offer many and beautiful prayers, both privately and publicly,without helplessness as the impelling power. But I am not at all positive that this is prayer. Prayer and helplessnesss are inseparable. Only he who is helpless can truly pray.

O. Hallesby in Prayer IVF Press 1948

Monday, July 26, 2010


The Royal Women's Hospital, now located in Flemington Road, next to the Royal Melbourne,has been an important part of our lives this year. During some of her stays at the hospital, Margaret has done some sketches from the fifth floor rooms where she has spent numerous days and nights. Here are some of them.


Much has happened in our life since my last exhibition with Annie Finkelde in November 2008. About that time my ovarian cancer had returned and the last two years are something of a blur.
Our 1998 Mazda almost drives itself along Royal Parade to the Parkville precinct where we have spent so many hours in medical appointments …. visits to G.P., oncologists and other experts for consultations, scans, stress test, angiogram, blood tests, blood transfusion, hydration drips, injections for blood clots in the lungs…….At least, we muse, our living in Princes Hill has made easy these frequent visits. In the last six months I have had five spells in the Royal Women’s Hospital for dealing with cancer symptoms and three rounds of chemo-therapy, as well as numerous home visits from the wonderful staff of Melbourne Citymission Palliative Care Service and Royal District Nursing Service.
Enough of health issues!
In the midst of all this I have still been painting, learning about painting and thinking about painting. I have completed two series of larger paintings. Last year I produced six in the series, When I Consider The Heavens, some of which were hung at our church for several weeks and two of which have already sold.
The second series is four large abstract paintings, a marked departure from most of my previous work and I have enjoyed working with paint in this quite different way.
I have also completed a number of more typical smaller realist paintings in watercolour and acrylics and would like to exhibit these as well.
To give you an opportunity to catch up with us and to see these works, we have arranged for them to be exhibited at Artastic Gallery, 781 Nicholson Street, North Carlton, from Saturday, 28 August to Saturday, 4 September, 2010. Kate Carns, our friend, framer and gallery owner, is making available the whole gallery for the week.
On Saturday morning, 28th August, refreshments and classical guitar music will be offered and the exhibition will be formally opened about 10.45 Mac and I will aim to be at the gallery on both Saturday mornings, from 10.00 until 1.00. [when the gallery closes.] Artastic Gallery is also open on Monday 30 August, Wednesday 1st September, Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd from 10.00 until 5.00.
As in previous years, I will also have some paintings in the annual Creations at the Cato, held at the Victoria Artists Society building in Albert Street, East Melbourne, near St. Patrick’s Cathedral, running from August 12 to August 23, 2010, opening on the afternoon of Sunday 15August. The Spring exhibition will be showing upstairs.
We greatly appreciate the support and encouragement you have given me in my art work and hope you may find time to catch up with us in these coming months.